Pair of Antique Gold Polki Crystal Stone Indian Bridal Kaleerey Kalire Kaleerein — Glimour Jewellery


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Pair of Antique Gold Full Stone 'BARNALA' Tiered Kaleerey Kalire


Some kaleerey come with a bangle attached however most designs are with an adjustable chain. Designed to have a drop dangle and slot into your bangle set.

Pair of Antique Gold Full Stone 'BARNALA' Tiered Kaleerey Kalire

Pair of Antique Gold Full Stone 'BARNALA' Tiered Kaleerey Kalire


Pair of antique gold 3 jhumki layered Indian bride kaleerey.

Gold base filled with antique gold Kundan stones and layered with light gold pearl drops.

Designed to be worn as a bracelet in between your choora OR can also be hung onto the bridal choora bangles if you prefer to wear them lower.

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