Indian Asian Bridal Wedding Party Jewellery. Worldwide shipping.


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Prices & Delivery Times

At Glimour, we ship worldwide using Royal Mail which is changed to your local government post service or DHL postal services. The prices will vary according to your location and how many items you purchase, this is explained further below. As we are now not part of the European union - there is a fee/taxes to pay which all depends on your location. This is not set by us. It is a charge set by your authority.

Please contact us or leave a note at payment checkout if your items are gifts so we can gift wrap if each item is over the value of £35, alternatively gift boxes can be purchased if your order is under £35. Sale items cannot be gift wrapped.


Our pieces are ready to be shipped, and dispatched within 1-2 working days unless it is a pre- order listing which can take up to 6 weeks. Packages that require a signature are always delivered by Royal Mail or UPS if outside the UK. Each have receivers name and signature printed on the tracking information. If you yourself have NOT signed for the package it is still deliverable to anyone present at the address when required. If you do not wish for someone to receive your package you must ensure you provide an address where you can be the sole receiver.


We package all our orders carefully and place all your items in a cardboard packaging box where all items are securely wrapped to prevent damage. We do not ship using gift boxes as this incurs in additional shipping charges. If however, you would like gift wrapping - please mention this at payment checkout (charges may apply depending on number of items).

Packaging method for Bridal Jewellery pieces:

All jewellery pieces will be packaged well in plastic boxes wrapped in lots of bubble wrap to avoid damage. If you wish for your bridal set to come in a leatherette box, please arrange a collection as we cannot ship necklace sets in this box as pieces will incur damage during transit which we need to avoid.

Alternatively, you can purchase a leatherette box for £25 (depending on size) on our website. Email us for the direct link to purchase.

Sale items:

Any bridal sets purchased in the sale will not be posted in a fancy/leatherette box due to the price and because it is a clearance item. It will be packaged well. If you would like a bridal box - please contact us so we can send you the direct link to purchase.



  • UK: 3-5 working days (48 hours - tracked service) - Signature required upon delivery.

  • UK: 2-4 working days (24 hours - tracked service) - Signature required upon delivery.

  • UK - Next day delivery before 1 pm (Special Delivery - Order before 10 am - Signature required upon delivery)

  • Worldwide: 7-10 working days for Rest of the world, 6-9 working days for Europe (Tracked international service - depending on location otherwise it will be 18-24 working days, just email us or message us on Instagram to find out your delivery time)

  • DHL Express: 2-4 days (or less - location depending)

We ship everyday (Monday-Friday)

Please ensure you provide the correct shipping address at payment checkout. If an incorrect address is entered - we shall re ship or re send the order when it comes back to us. Buyer is responsible for the re shipping cost. If a refund is preferred then the shipping cost is not refunded only cost of item. Buyer is responsible for attempted delivery collections - always from your local delivery office. Please use the tracking number to track your order - this is always emailed to you with your order dispatch notification.


The postage & packaging price for mainland United Kingdom is £4.95 for unlimited items (3-5 working day delivery) This is to cover packaging and shipping costs.

For Europe the shipping price is £15 GBP + £1 GBP for each additional item.

USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand - £20 GBP + £1 GBP for each additional item.

Rest of the world only shipping method is DHL : £65 GBP (Depends on location - not all countries have DHL shipping facilities. If your address is verified and deliverable on the DHL booking site - only then we will ship.

Tracking number will automatically be uploaded to your order invoice and you will receive an email notification. DHL service will also be emailed and tracking number will also be text to you providing you fill the correct number at payment checkout.